Grand Lodge - Knights of Pythias
"Golden Domain" of California

Date of Institution - July 13, 1889 / Jan. 26, 1923

The Order of Knights of Pythias is an international, non-sectarian fraternal order,
established in 1864 in Washington, DC, by Justus H. Rathbone and was the first
fraternal order to be chartered by an Act of Congress. It's aim was to heal the
wounds between the North and South and promote friendship among men and
relieve suffering.

For more information and membership:
(818) 781-0074 or Email

Grand Lodge Knights of Pythias
397 El Camino Real Tustin, CA 92780 Map Location
Office: (818) 781-0074


Chancellor - Stanley Bransgrove
Vice Chancellor - - Name
Prelate - Name
Secretary - Name
Treasurer - Name
Master at Arms - - Name
Inner Guard - Name
Outer Guard - - Name

Subordinate Pythian Lodges
# 34 - Lincoln-Eureka, CA - Webpage
# 57 - Lompoc-Lompoc, CA - Webpage
# 85 - Tustin-Tustin, CA Website / Blog / twitter
# 112 - Sunnyside-Riverside, CA - Webpage
# 159 - Loma-National City, CA - Webpage
# 162 - Berkeley-Albany. CA - Webpage
# 393 - Beverly Hills-Santa Monica, CA - Webpage
# 401 - Gov. Merriam-Canoga Park, CA - Webpage / Blog / twitter
# 420 - Old Pasadena, CA - Webpage / Blog / twitter - Subordinate Temples
#7 - El Camino-Tustin, Ca - Website / Blog / twitter / facebook
#12 - Riverside-Riverside, Ca - Webpage / Blog / twitter / facebook
#18 - Eleanor Roosevelt-Reseda, Ca - Webpage / Blog / twitter / facebook

Note: Please e-mail update information and changes

Grand Lodge of California
Instituted on
September 28, 1869

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Visual Arts Contest

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News Bulletins
Supreme Lodge
In the news - Events

Grand Lodge
Annual: Convention

Subordinate Lodge

Berkley Lodge #162 Refurbishes Pythian Cave
At the regular lodge meeting of Berkeley Lodge No. 162, Knights of Pythias, at Albany, CA (instituted on July 13, 1889), the brethren voted to contribute $250 towards refurbishing the Pythian Cave in Yreka, CA, the home of the Odd Fellows Cave Degree since the Pythians turned the cave over to the Odd Fellows in 1962. This donation was made in memory of the late Odd Fellow Dick Brouse, who had organized the cave and Yreka Odd Fellows degrees for many years.

Before the vote was taken, the Pythian Knights reviewed the history of the Pythian cave from both the Knights of Pythias and Odd Fellows history. The Knights of Pythias had been the first fraternal group to town the cave, originally belonging to the Yreka Lodge No 168, Knights of Pythias, which was instituted on July 30, 1890. Prior to Yreka Lodge No. 168 building a Castle Hall in Yreka, it had held its meetings and Rank Work at the cave. Berkeley Lodge reviewed a newspaper report from the Yreka News from 1916 speaking to the strength of their late sister lodge at that time:

The Knights expressed their pleasure that after Yreka Lodge No. 168, Knights of Pythias, closed, that the fraternal baton was passed to Yreka Odd Lodge No. 19, IOOF, to preserve the cave for fraternal uses.It was understood from the histories reviewed that for the sum of $10, the cave and its 40-acre surrounding area passed to the Odd Fellows, with a reservation that the Pythians could use it at least once a year. The Knights found it gratifying that with few exceptions, the Odd Fellows have used the Pythian Cave every year for fraternal purposes. The Knights’hope is that their small contribution to help refurbish the Pythian Cave in memory of Dick Brouse will help this outstanding fraternal use continue long into the future.

Meets on 2nd Tuesday at 7:30 PM at 1325 Portland Ave, Albany, CA 94706 Mail Delivery: c/o Sir Herb Leaderman,1469 Camino Peral, Moraga, CA, 94556-2018 Submitted by: Stanley Bransgrove, Chancellor Commander, Berkely Lodge No. 162, KofP 4 Lomita Drive, Mill Valley, CA 94941–(415) 306-1415 - Pythian Cave

Video Links and Photos
U.S.Civil War
1861 - 1865
Damon and Pythias Gerry Greenblatt
Justus H. Rathbone Knights of Pythias Founder
The Rathbone Bible
Est: February 19, 1864
James E. West
Chief Scout Exec- BSA

Pythian Links
The Order of Knights of Pythias - (National & International)

Order of Pythian Sisters - "Creating a better world" Since 1888."

Grand Lodge of California (List and links to all CA Lodges)

Pythian Sisters CA - Grand Temple of California

California Pythian - Published for the Knights of Pythias of California - "Preserving our rich and colorful history." - California History

For More Information & Membership: (818) 781-0074
/ Email

To update or make changes call or email Pete Beatty, Grand Lodge Webmaster (714) 504.4088 email
